Sandy Beaches Software



Although many of our clients were once start-ups, we have plenty of experience with conversions. To date, we’ve successfully converted 20+ clients to the SBS billing platform. We’ve even been called in (more than once) to take over for a conversion where the “new” vendor simply gave up. You will have access to your historical data. We invite you to follow us on the path to a successful conversion!

*Only available for Integribill customers with a 3-year contract. 

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Gather (W)

Gather Data

We collect data from your current
system. The SBS in-house programming
team analyzes the data & writes the
processes to convert all elements
successfully into IntegriBill. The backend
of the conversion receives special
attention to ensure all prior AR
information remains accurate.

Analyze (W)

Analyze Data

Analyze call detail records (CDR) from all
carriers and switches. You'll provide
sample CDR from your carriers and
switches with examples of all possible
call types for our review. Additional
formats not already have in our format
library (of over 250) are created.

Parallel (W)

Parallel Billing Runs

Once the conversion application is
written, data from the most recent
billing cycle would then be converted
and a parallel billing from IntegriBill
generated for comparison. Reports
would be pulled and the 2 billing cycles
analyzed and re-run until your staff is
comfortable with the results.

Training (W)

Training and Onboarding

Onsite Onboarding: 2 days (12-14 hours)
$75/hour + expenses
Online Onboarding: 6 hours of live onboarding with a training specialist included.
You set the dates and length of sessions.
Training: Up to 6 hours annually for free
Video Tutorials: Free

Ready to get started? Click below to schedule an introduction call!

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