Sandy Beaches Software


Benefit from the most up-to-date tax information, and it’s included in our price!

An individual company’s annual tax software license typically costs around 1-2% of billed revenue. Sandy Beaches saves you the expense and hassle of maintaining your own license. With SBS, you’ll have everything you need to properly tax your customers.

The ability to view tax breakdowns & rates from an invoice on the customer screen allows you to:

  • Easily apply the correct tax credits in a bad debt write-off situation.
  • Classify customer’s tax status at the customer level.
  • Account specific set-up enables multiple combinations for tax-exempt statuses.
  • Electronic Integration for 499 reporting.

To ensure the accuracy of taxes and surcharges, we utilize the CCH SureTax® tax compliance system. The tax tables are updated monthly. After each billing we return a report to you, as well as a database file showing your tax liability in each jurisdiction. Custom reports can be created on a tax jurisdiction or customer level. The data provided can be used by your staff to submit tax returns or we’ll forward to a third party tax preparation and compliance company for filing.

Don’t have a tax compliance vendor? Check out our partner page.

Tax Audits

Scary stuff…but we’re here for you! In the event of an audit, your 1st three hours of consulting are free. We provide requested backup data to the auditors (we keep billing data for seven years).  SBS has helped several customers make it through tax audits unscathed, and we’ll do our best to help you too. We typically find the mistakes on the auditor’s end – not yours – and we’ll help you win the battle with facts!

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